To most teachers, students and parents half term comes as a relief. That long 6 week wait until you get a little slither of a week to try and get as much done as possible and cram in as many lie-in's as you can. Then it's all over far too quickly - the things you promised you'd get done you still find you're rushing on that Sunday night before term starts afresh.
So what is my problem with half term? I sit there, and wait for it with baited breath like everyone else. Looking forward to a little bit of 'me' time, finding time to break in that awkward pair of pointe shoes, reading some good books and generally chilling out. But no. One day in.......and it's killing me.
I have a problem. I cannot survive a week without ballet and without dancing. It's too difficult, and on that half term Monday - the rest of the week actually looks pretty bleak when it's dance-free.
What can I do? Well, apart from dance around the house, the office, the shops and anywhere there's space I've set about a dance-incorporated half term......
Monday - Browse new Dance Direct Costumes catalogue and swoon at various tutus before researching every possible production of Cinderella and putting together ideas for the school show.
Write up my blog for Capezio and email it off.
Tuesday - Log onto Dance Direct website - order lots of pretty things from my teachers account, convincing myself a 5% discount more than justifies my spending. Order various bits of dowel, ribbon and rings from ebay ready to make props for Grade 1's.
Wednesday - Excellent, some actual teaching. Adult ballet is still on during half term so I have a blissful hour of dance! Set up new blog dedicated to dance....
Thursday - Some theatre action! The wonderful people at the Royal & Derngate, Northampton, have given me tickets to see their Night of Dirty Dancing show!
Friday - The other half is out for the evening - perfect time to practice the Choreography for Launch Dance Company's piece...push back the sofa's, music on loud - off I go!
Saturday - Ah, the weekend offers no reprieve for a dance fanatic. I really ought to learn some more of the RAD's new Grade 1-3 dances to teach the children something exciting and new for the new term!
Sunday - Ready to prepare for the term ahead. Sort out ballet bag, check iPod and CDs, check lesson plans.